Zarządzanie ludźmi w roli menadżera to nie lada wyzwanie. Trzeba być nie tylko dobrze zorganizowaną osobą, ale też taką, która potrafi zorganizować innych. Trudności komunikacyjne pojawiające się na co dzień w pracy, w szczególności w środowisku międzynarodowym, mogą sprawiać ogromne problemy. W dzisiejszym artykule poznasz różne rodzaje zarządzania oraz specjalistyczne słownictwo, które pomoże Ci lepiej funkcjonować w środowisku biznesowym.
Style zarządzania
W tabeli poniżej znajdują się trzy podstawowe style zarządzania. Zapoznaj się z nimi, a następnie wykonaj ćwiczenie 1.
AUTOCRATIC | Managers are responsible for making important decisions, issuing orders, and closely monitoring the work of employees without actively participating in the tasks being performed. | A fast decision-making process is effective when managing a large number of low-skilled workers. | A lack of two-way communication can create a „them and us” attitude between managers and workers. |
PATERNALISTIC | Managers who consult with employees, listen to their feedback, and make decisions in their best interests may still view their supervision as necessary. | Increasing two-way communication can be more motivating and allow for the social needs of workers to be addressed. | A slower decision-making process does not necessarily prevent a dictatorial or autocratic management style. |
DEMOCRATIC | Managers who trust and empower employees, encourage them to make decisions, and listen to their advice create a more collaborative work environment. | Delegating authority to employees can be beneficial when complex decisions requiring specialist skills need to be made. | A slower decision-making process may result in more mistakes when employees are not sufficiently skilled or experienced. |
Read the conversations below and decide which
management style do they represent
Employee: Hi, I was wondering if we could discuss the project deadline (ostateczny termin oddania projektu). I think it might be too tight (zbyt napięty) given the current workload (obecnym obłożeniem pracy).
Manager: The deadline is non-negotiable (nie podlega negocjacji). I’ve made the decision, and it’s not up for discussion (nie jest otwarte na dyskusję).
Employee: Okay, I understand. But I just want to point out (wskazać) that I think it could be unrealistic (nierealistyczne), and it might lead to mistakes or lower quality work (może to spowodować do błędów i niższej jakości pracy).
Manager: I appreciate your concern (obawy), but I have full confidence (w pełni przekonany) in your ability to handle (poradzisz sobie) the workload. I expect the project to be completed on time and to the highest standard.
Employee: Okay, I’ll do my best.
Manager: Good. Now, let’s move on to the next point on the agenda.
Employee: Hi, I wanted to talk to you about the new project proposal (propozycję projektu). I have a few ideas on how we could approach it (jak do tego podejść).
Manager: Great, I’m always open to hearing new ideas (jestem zawsze otwarty nan owe pomysły). What do you have in mind?
Employee: Well, I was thinking that we could involve the whole team (zaangażować cały zespół) in the planning process. That way, we can get everyone’s input (możemy uzyskać wkład wszystkich pracowników) and come up with the best solution.
Manager: I like that idea. What do you suggest we do?
Employee: We could hold a team meeting (zorganizować spotkanie zespołu) and brainstorm together (wspólna burza mózgów), or we could create a survey and gather feedback (ankietę i zebrać informację zwrotną) that way.
Manager: Those are both good options. Let’s poll the team (przeprowadźmy ankietę w zespole) and see which method they prefer.
Employee: Sounds good. Thanks for considering my suggestion (Dziękuję za wzięcie pod uwagę mojej sugestii).
Manager: Of course. I value the input of all team members (Cenię wkład każdego członka zespołu).
Employee: Hi, I wanted to talk to you about the new policies (polityk firmowych) that were just implemented (wdrożone). I’m not sure, I understand how they will work in practice.
Manager: Of course, I’d be happy to explain (z chęcią wytłumaczę) . You know, I always want what’s best for our team, and I believe these policies will help us work more efficiently (bardziej wydajnie).
Employee: Okay, that makes sense. But I’m still a bit confused about how to implement them (jak je wdrożyć) in my own work. Could you give me some examples?
Manager: Sure thing. Let me give you a few examples of how these policies can be applied in your work (zastosować je w twojej pracy). I’m here to support you and make sure you have all the tools (wszelkie niezbędne narzędzia) you need to succeed.
Employee: Thank you, that really helps.
Manager: No problem. I’m here to help. Just let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.
Menadżer musi mieć pewne cechy charakteru, które pozwolą mu być dobrym przywódcą. Przeanalizuj poniższe cechy charakteru i pomyśl, które z nich są zaletami (strenghts), a które wadami (weaknesses).
Compassionate/ Persistent/ Immature/Courageous/ Bossy/ Grumpy/ Resilient/ Diligent/ Malicious/ Decisive/ Committed/ Doubtful/ Impartial
Pros: ………………………………………………………………..
Cons: ……………………………………………………………….
Fill the gaps with the character traits above
- The manager was ……. towards his employees, always taking the time to listen to their concerns and offer support.
- I admire him. He is always ……., even when the choices are hard to make.
- Our manager is ……. in her work, often putting extra time to understand the problem and achieve good solutions.
- The worst trait of a manager is when someone is ……., telling employees what to do and expecting them to follow orders without a question.
- She was ……. to helping when we needed her advice.
- The co-worker had ……. intent when spreading rumours about her manager, hoping to cause harm and damage their reputation.
- The company experienced some difficulties with finances, but thanks to the ……. leadership we ensured long-term success.
- When a conflict between employees arises, it is crucial to stay ……. and listen to both sides.
- You should be more ……. in your work if you want to take that manager position.
- The manager was ……. because she had to stay late at the office to finish a project and was feeling overwhelmed by the amount of work she had to do.
- His ……. behaviour, such as constantly complaining about his job and not taking responsibility for his actions, was causing tension within the team and negatively impacting productivity.
- A ……. attitude helped in navigating the setbacks they faced.
- Employees were ……. about the new marketing strategy, despite the manager’s assurance.
Słownictwo związane z zarządzaniem, którego możesz używać na co dzień. Zapoznaj się ze słówkami poniżej i dopasuj je do definicji.
Demonstrate | give official permission or approval |
Recognise | give part of your job to someone else |
Authorise | to make easier to understand |
Supervise | acknowledge the validity of someone |
Clarify | give a practical exhibition and explanation of |
Delegate | observe and direct the work of (someone) |
Uzupełnij luki w zdaniach z wykorzystaniem
słownictwa z tabeli
- If an employee doesn’t understand your instructions, you will need to …….
- A skilled manager is able to ……. tasks to others in order to have enough time to complete their own work.
- A good manager should ……. and appreciate the work of their employees, and provide rewards for their contributions.
- Some managers prefer to closely ……. their team’s work, while others prefer to give their employees more independence and autonomy.
- My colleague will ……. the process, so you will then have the opportunity to try it out yourselves.
- Managers have to ……. many tasks on a daily basis, which can be frustrating for employees.
Now, you know how to be a „good manager”? I hope so! Nie zapomnij zostawić komentarza i podzielić się swoimi przemyśleniami na temat skutecznego zarządzania.