Umiejętne zarządzanie czasem jest niezwykle przydatne przy realizacji projektów w pracy, kiedy ściga nas ściśle wyznaczony deadline. Dobra organizacja i dysponowanie czasem przydają się również w codziennym życiu. Łatwiej jest nam wykonywać nasze obowiązki w ciągu dnia, gdy mamy przed sobą jasny plan i wyznaczony czas na dane zadanie. Sposobów na skuteczne zarządzanie czasem jest wiele, w tym artykule postaram się przybliżyć kilka z nich.
Uzupełnij luki w tekście na podstawie nagrania rozmowy powyżej.
Mike: Hi Kate, how are you?
Kate: Hi, I have been …. with time management recently. …. on projects are tight, and, as a …., I have to take care of the house and kids alone. I am afraid I am starting to feel ….
Mike: Oh, I feel you. The past few weeks were …. for me as well. However, ever since I started to manage my time better, it is going pretty well. I believe that, with a …., you are going to manage your time better as well.
Kate: Yes, if you have any ideas, I would be …. them. Being productive is not an …. for me, but I feel that my …. is to make a schedule for the day and …. it.
Mike: I see, it’s like a …. If you …. one of your responsibilities, your time is …., and eventually, you don’t have any time left to finish the …. tasks. Have you tried the four-task method?
Kate: No, what is it?
Mike: First, you write down your …. for the day and make four tables:
Priority tasks – those are the tasks you have to finish today, and you should ….
Important tasks – so, the tasks you have to finish soon but ….
Less important tasks – they are important to finish, but can wait a few days, or you can finish them in your ….
Other tasks – These are …., that can wait for longer than a few days or longer tasks that you have to …. into small tasks before you can complete the ….
Kate: That is ….! I will try this method, thanks! Do you have any tips on …. my day?
Mike: It is best to plan your …. the day before. You can take five minutes in the evening for planning. That way you will wake up the next day ….
Kate: Thank you so much for all the tips! I will …. them into my daily routine, and …., they will …. with time management.
Mike: See you around!

Przeczytaj poniższy artykuł na temat wskazówek dotyczących zarządzania czasem, a następnie wykonaj EXERCISE 2
Time management is an essential skill for success in both personal and professional life. Effective time management helps individuals to be productive, achieve their goals, reduce stress, and enjoy a better work-life balance. However, managing time can be challenging, especially when one has to juggle multiple responsibilities and tasks. Here are some tips to help you manage your time better.
- Prioritize Tasks: Prioritizing tasks is one of the fundamental principles of time management. Start by listing all the tasks that need to be completed and then prioritize them based on their urgency and importance. Urgent and important tasks should be given the highest priority.
- Set Goals: Setting specific and achievable goals is another crucial aspect of time management. Identify what you want to achieve, break them down into smaller goals, and set a deadline for each of them. This approach will help you stay focused, motivated and track your progress.
- Create a Schedule: Creating a schedule or a to-do list is an effective way to manage your time. Allocate specific time slots for each task on your to-do list, and ensure that you stick to them. This way, you can avoid wasting time and make the most of your day.
- Avoid Multitasking: Multitasking may seem like an effective way to manage your time, but it can be counterproductive. It can lead to mistakes, decrease productivity, and increase stress levels.
- Learn to Say No: One of the biggest challenges of time management is learning to say no to tasks or activities that are not worth your attention. Be selective about the tasks you take on and prioritize those that align with your goals and values.
Uzupełnij luki używając słówek podkreślonych na czarno w artykule w odpowiedniej formie.
- A positive …. will set a good mood for the day.
- Focus your energy on ….
- Your day depends on how …. you are.
- Taking a break from your tasks can help ….
- Never forget to keep healthy ….
- Whatever you do, …. for achieving it.
- Choose tasks that …. your goals and values.
- Managing multiple tasks and responsibilities requires the ability to ….
- If you want to be successful in your …. you should learn how to manage your time.
- If you have a long task ahead, …. into smaller goals.
- Creating a …. increases your chances of completing the tasks.
- …. specific time for each individual task.
- Make a schedule to …. that you stick to your goals.
- Effective time management is an …. for success.
- Try to do your best to ….
- Multitasking can sometimes become ….
- …. tasks are one of the …. of time management.

Posłuchaj NAGRANIA rozmowy między team leaderem a członkami teamu na temat nadchodzącego projektu.
Team Leader: Hi everyone, thanks for joining this meeting to discuss the upcoming project. As you know, we have a tight deadline, so we need to be efficient and organized in our approach. Let’s start by going over the project plan.
Team Member 1: Sure, I can give a quick summary. Our goal is to launch a new product by the end of the quarter, and we’ve broken down the project into three main phases: research and development, testing, and launch.
Team Leader: Great, and what’s our strategy for each phase?
Team Member 2: For research and development, we plan to gather customer feedback, conduct market research, and create prototypes. Then, during the testing phase, we’ll perform quality assurance and user testing to make sure the product meets our standards. Finally, during the launch phase, we’ll develop a marketing campaign and coordinate with our sales team to get the product out to our customers.
Team Leader: Excellent. Now, let’s discuss how we’ll distribute the roles and responsibilities for each phase.
Team Member 3: I’ll take the lead on research and development, and I’ll work with the e-commerce department on gathering customer feedback and conducting market research.
Team Member 4: I will focus on creating the prototypes. I will work closely with our creative team.
Team Leader: Okay, sounds good. And for the testing phase?
Team Member 5: I’ll head up the quality assurance efforts, and the IT department will lead the user testing. We’ll also need someone to coordinate with the development team to make any necessary fixes.
Team Leader: Understood. And for the launch phase?
Team Member 6: I can work on developing the marketing campaign, and I’ll collaborate with the marketing department on getting the product out to our customers.
Team Leader: Perfect. Thanks, everyone, for your input. With this plan, strategy, and distribution of roles, I’m confident we can hit our deadline and deliver a successful product launch. Let’s get to work!
Połącz słówka 1-11 z ich definicją a-.
1. upcoming | a. each of four equal or corresponding parts into which something is or can be divided |
2. tight deadline | b. divide into smaller parts |
3. to go over | c. used to refer to every one of two or more people or things |
4. quarter | d. the process through which the interface and functions of a website, app, product |
5. broke down | e. an organized course of action to promote and sell a product or service |
6. phase | f. go first |
7. each | g. happening or appearing soon |
8. gather feedback | h. a distinct period or stage in a series of events |
9. quality assurance | i. what is put in, taken in, or operated on by any process or system. |
10. user testing | j. give a share or a unit of (something) to each of a number of recipients |
11. marketing campaign | k. one that must be met but is difficult |
12. to distribute | l. the maintenance of a desired level of quality in a service or product |
13. take the lead | m. receive information about what happened |
14. input | n. consider, examine, or check something |

Zarządzanie czasem to kluczowa umiejętność, która jest niezbędna w dzisiejszym szybkim tempie życia. Planowanie pomaga nam wyznaczać cele, priorytety i ramy czasowe na wykonanie zadań. Warto też pamiętać o delegowaniu obowiązków, aby uniknąć przeciążenia i skupić się na zadaniach wymagających naszej uwagi i zaangażowania. Regularne stosowanie dobrych nawyków i strategii pozwoli efektywnie wykorzystać czas i osiągnąć zamierzone cele zarówno w pracy, jak i w życiu osobistym.