Okres pandemii Covid znaczącą wpłynął na sposób, w jaki pracujemy. Wiele biur w tym okresie przeniosło się do pracy zdalnej, a niektóre z nich zostały przy tej formule do dziś. Jednak nie oznacza to, że wszystkie firmy zostały przy tym rozwiązaniu. Czasami specyfika pracy wymaga, abyśmy byli w pracy osobiście, dotyczy to szczególnie dziedzin, gdzie w grę wchodzi praca fizyczna. Natomiast w momencie, gdy obecność pracownika jest niezbędna jedynie sporadycznie, popularną formą okazuje się praca hybrydowa. Dzięki temu rozwiązaniu pracownik przychodzi do pracy np. dwa razy w tygodniu, a resztę pracuje zdalnie. W dzisiejszym artykule dowiesz się o różnicach między tymi rozwiązaniami oraz zaletach i wadach każdej z nich. I przede wszystkim nauczysz się rozmawiać o tych różnicach po angielsku.
Uzupełnij luki w tekście na podstawie wysłuchanej rozmowy
Interviewer: Today we’re discussing the ….. and ….. of remote work with our guest expert, Lucy Smith. Thank you for joining us.
Lucy: Thank you for having me.
Interviewer: Let’s start with the benefits. What are some ….. of remote work?
Lucy: One of the biggest ….. is ….. Remote workers have more control over their schedules and can work from wherever they choose, which can improve their …... This flexibility can lead to ….. and ….. satisfaction.
Interviewer: That sounds great, but what about …..? Are remote workers as productive as those who work in an office?
Lucy: Some studies have shown that remote workers can actually be more productive than those who work in an office. They have ….. and can ….. their work environment to their ….., which can improve their …..
Interviewer: Interesting, but are there any ….. of this solution for the employer?
Lucy: Of course, remote work can save both employers and employees money by ….. the need for office space, ….., and other expenses ….. with working in an office.
Interviewer: Those are some great benefits. But what about the …..? Are there any ….. to remote work?
Lucy: One of the biggest drawbacks is the potential for ….. Remote workers can feel ….. from their coworkers and ….. on the benefits of in-person collaboration. It can also ….. between work and personal life, which can lead to …..
Interviewer: Sorry, could you repeat? Something is ….. Our interview, today, is taking place online, so we both work remotely as we speak.
Lucy: Yes, I said that remote work can also blur the boundaries between work and personal life, which can lead to burnout. There’s also the ….., such as ….. that we experienced just a minute ago.
Interviewer: That’s certainly something to consider. Is there anything employers can do to ….. these drawbacks?
Lucy: Yes, there are several strategies employers can use. Regular ….. with managers and coworkers can help create a ….. and keep workers ….. Employers can also offer training and support to help remote workers stay productive and avoid technical issues. Also, ….. between work and personal time can help to maintain a healthy work-life balance.
Interviewer: Those are great tips. Thank you for sharing your ….. with us today, Lucy.
Lucy: My pleasure. Thank you for having me.

W niektórych zawodach nie ma możliwości innej niż praca stacjonarna, jednak to nie oznacza, że gdy taka możliwość istnieje, to powinniśmy z góry przechodzić na tryb zdalny. Wysłuchaj poniższy artykuł, który tłumaczy, dlaczego praca stacjonarna nadal jest korzystnym rozwiązaniem.
In recent years, there has been a growing trend towards remote work and flexible schedules, leading many to question the importance of stationary work.
One of the main benefits of stationary work is the ability to collaborate and communicate with co-workers in person. While technology has made it easier to communicate remotely, there is still no substitute for face-to-face interaction, which allows for more effective brainstorming, problem-solving, and decision-making. It also fosters a sense of camaraderie and teamwork that can be difficult to achieve when working remotely.
Stationary work also provides an environment that is conducive to focus and productivity. When working from home or other locations, there are many distractions that can pull us away from our work. Stationary work environments are designed to prompt productivity, with comfortable workstations, quiet spaces, and access to resources and tools that can aid in the completion of tasks.
Many companies offer training and development programs for their employees, and those are mostly held in person. These programs can help employees gain new skills, increase their knowledge, and improve their overall performance. Moreover, it is a superb opportunity to network and build relationships with co-workers from other departments or regions.
Stationary work plays a significant role in building and maintaining company culture. When employees work in a company headquarters, they are exposed to the company’s values, mission, and goals on a daily basis. They can also participate in company events, such as holiday parties, team-building activities, and community service projects. These activities can lead to greater job satisfaction and employee retention.
Finally, stationary work can help employees achieve a better work-life balance. When working remotely, it can be challenging to separate work and personal life. On the other hand, when working in the office, employees can physically leave work behind when they leave. This separation can be crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle.
In conclusion, while remote work and flexible schedules are becoming more common, stationary work offers many benefits that can’t be replicated in a remote job.
Użyj słownictwa podkreślonego na zielono w odpowiedniej formie do uzupełnienia luk poniżej.
- Remote work is a …..
- The possibility to have ….. is desirable.
- Some people ….. of the stationary job.
- There is no ….. for office work.
- People who work together should have the ability for …..
- ….. and ….. are done better in person.
- In-person meetings ….. a sense of …..
- Employees work more efficiently when they are in an environment that is ….. to focus and productivity.
- When you work remotely, numerous things that can ….. from work.
- The office is designed to prompt …..
- Tools and resources that you can find in the office can ….. in the completion of tasks.
- Check out if your company provides any ….. that can increase your …..
- Meetings should be ….. in person to allow co-workers to …..
- While working in the office, you are exposed to the ….. on …..
- Raising satisfaction is a key factor in achieving …..
- Remote work makes it difficult to ….., and due to that it is impossible to …..

Praca hybrydowa łączy obie opcje, czyli zarówno pracę zdalną, jak i stacjonarną. Posłuchaj NAGRANIA między znajomymi z pracy o nadchodzących zmianach w ich firmie.
Transkrypt nagrania
Susan: Hey, have you heard about the forthcoming change in our work schedule? We’re transitioning from office work to a hybrid model.
George: Really? I hadn’t heard about that. What does that mean exactly?
Susan: It means that we’ll be spending part of our time in the office and part of our time working remotely.
George: Oh, I see. So, we’ll have more elasticity in our schedule.
Susan: Exactly. We are not obligated to work from home, and it is possible to come into the office depending on our needs and preferences.
George: That sounds refreshing. Do you think it will be a good change for us?
Susan: I think so. It will give us more freedom to manage our work and personal lives. Plus, we’ll still work in person when we need to.
George: That’s a good point. I’m looking forward to having more time, but I’m also a little nervous about the transition.
Susan: Yeah, it might take some getting used to. But I think our company has a good plan in place to make it as smooth as possible.
George: That’s reassuring. I’ll have to talk to my manager to see how this will affect my daily work.
Susan: Definitely. We should all be proactive in communicating with our managers and team members to ensure success in changing into a hybrid model.
George: Agreed. Overall, I think this change will be a positive change for us.
Susan: Yeah, I think so too.
Dopasuj słówka 1- do ich definicji a-:
1. forthcoming | a. welcome or stimulating because new or different |
2. hybrid model | b. ability to change and adapt |
3. part time | c. serving or intended to remove someone’s doubts or fears |
4. elasticity | d. employed for or occupying only part of the usual working day or week |
5. obligated to | e. require or compel to undertake a duty |
6. refreshing | f. about to happen or appear |
7. freedom | g. the process or a period of changing from one state or condition to another |
8. look forward to | h. become familiar with |
9. transition | i. to expect (something) with pleasure |
10. get used to | j. creating or controlling a situation rather than just responding to it after it has happened |
11. reassuring | k. workforce structure that includes employees who work remotely and those who work on site |
12. proactive | l. the power or right to act, speak or think as one wants |

Czy już wiesz jak porozmawiać o różnicach między remote, hybrid i stationary work po angielsku? Which work model do you prefer? Daj znać w komentarzu 😊 In English, certainly!