Riverdale Revealed: Polish to Proficient English (B2-C2)


W dzisiejszym artykule będziemy uczyć się nowych zwrotów i wyrażeń na podstawie serialu Riverdale. Jest to aktualnie, jeden z najchętniej oglądanych seriali i stal się hitem wśród młodzieży na całym świecie. Dowiedz się jak oglądanie „Riverdale” może pomóc w nauce języka angielskiego, jakie korzyści płyną z takiej formy nauki oraz jakie techniki warto wykorzystać, aby efektywnie uczyć się języka angielskiego dzięki temu serialowi. W tym artykule skupimy się na słownictwie związanym z zagadkami, detektywami oraz znalezieniu winnych popełnionych przestępstw.


Zacznijmy od poznania słownictwa związanego z życiem detektywa i zagadkami.

interrogationcrime scenecasemotiveculpritplot twist



Uzupełnij luki w czytance słownictwem z tabeli w odpowiedniej formie.


Jessica Reynolds had seen a lot in her career, but the case she was working on now was one of the toughest yet. A wealthy businessman had been found dead in his office, and there were no obvious  to suggest who the might be. Reynolds and her team scoured the , looking for any  that might help them crack the case. As they began to interview potential , Reynolds noticed something strange about one particular He seemed nervous, but his  was shaky. When she asked him where he had been at the time of the murder, he gave an that sounded rehearsed. The  claimed that they saw him coming to the office that night. After the  of the victim’s body Reynolds knew she had found her prime … . During the …, the suspect eventually broke down and confessed to the crime. He revealed that he had been  the victim and those things had gotten out of hand. Reynolds and her team had finally solved the . But just when they thought the case was closed, there was a . A had been discovered that suggested there was more to the story than they had initially thought. Reynolds and her team went back to , looking for any new  that might shed light on the situation. As they dug deeper, they uncovered a that involved several prominent businessmen and politicians. The  had stumbled onto an to sabotage a rival company, and the had been carried out to keep him from revealing the truth. But things got out of hand and they finally decided to silent him forever as he knew the  information. Reynolds and her team worked tirelessly to bring those responsible to justice, but it wasn’t easy. Finally, the suspects fell into a … . And in the end, justice prevailed and the  were brought to trial. The were sentenced for other crimes they did, which includes: … .



Veronica and Archie Investigate the Case


(S2.E8 “House of Devil”, Riverdale)



In this scene, Veronica and Archie ask Sheriff Keller to share details about an old case that they need to solve, the mysterious message of the Black Hood.

Archie: Sheriff.

Veronica: We wanted to talk to you about a cold case.

Archie: About a family that was murdered in Fox Forest 40 years ago.

Veronica: Your receptionist said that the files on the case were missing.

Archie: Is it possible they were stolen as part of a cover-up?

Sheriff: Now, now, hold on. Sometimes with cold cases, the lead officer will take the files home, so they can keep working on them.

Veronica: Who would have been the lead officer on this case?

Sheriff: Back then? Multiple homicides? My guess would be Sheriff Howard.

Archie: Do you know where he is?

Sheriff: Sheriff Howard died two years ago now. But his daughter still lives in town here. Margaret. I have got her contact information. Maybe she can help you.


Veronica: My name is Veronica Lodge. I’m calling about one of your father’s cases. The Conway murders.

Maggie: Oh, here we go again. What about them?

Veronica: My colleague and I are writing a retrospective on the murders, and we were wondering…

Maggie: My dad was obsessed with the killings. He called the house where they happened the devil’s house. He would go to that place day and night, for hours, trying to put pieces together. If you ask me, my father lost his mind in that house. Now, I am done talking about this. Don’t call me again.

[phone hangs up]

Archie: Ronnie.

Veronica: Don’t say it, Archie.

Archie: We have to go to that house.

Veronica: The devil’s house? What if he’s home?

Let’s recap the vocabulary from this conversation


  • cold case – a criminal investigation that has remained unsolved for a long period of time, often years or decades.
  • cover up – an attempt to hide or conceal the truth about something, usually an illegal or unethical act.
  • to go missing – to disappear, usually without any explanation or trace.
  • lead officer – the main investigator or detective in charge of a case.
  • homicide – the killing of one person by another person, either intentionally or unintentionally.
  • contact information – the details, such as a phone number or email address, that allow people to get in touch with someone.
  • here we go again – an expression used to show annoyance or frustration at having to deal with a situation that has happened before.
  • retrospective – looking back on or dealing with past events or situations.
  • to obsess – to think about something or someone continuously and excessively, often to the point of becoming unhealthy or harmful.
  • to put the pieces together – to solve a mystery or puzzle by gathering all the available information and understanding how it fits together.
  • to lose one’s mind – to become mentally unstable or to behave in an irrational or insane way.


Uzupełnij luki w czytance słówkiem w nawiasie w czasie Past Perfect.


Cold Case Investigation


The lead officer on the cold case (1. obsess) over it for years. However, despite his efforts, the case remained unsolved. Then, one day, new evidence (2. come) to light. The evidence suggested a cover-up (3. take place) in the original investigation.

The lead officer (4. contact) the witnesses and suspects, but most of them               (5. disappear). He (6. put) the pieces together and (7. realize) that the original investigation (8. mishandle) the evidence.

The lead officer (9. lose) his mind trying to solve the case. He couldn’t stop thinking about it. But finally, after a long and retrospective review of the evidence, he               (11. solve) the case.

„Here we go again,” he (12. say) to himself as he (13. hand) in the solved case to his superiors. Finally, after years of obsessing over it, he  (14. bring) justice to the victim of the homicide.



Archie pleads Guilty


(S3.E1 “Labor Day”, Riverdale)



In the first episode of the third season of the popular television show „Riverdale,” the main character Archie Andrews finds himself in a difficult situation. Archie is accused of murder and is forced to plead guilty in order to protect his friends and family from harm. The episode focuses on Archie’s struggle to come to terms with his decision, as well as the aftermath of his plea. The episode is full of suspense and drama, and sets the tone for the rest of the season as the characters of Riverdale navigate the dangerous and mysterious world, they live in.

Judge: All rise. As a jury reached a verdict.

Jury member: Your honor, we haven’t. We are deadlocked six to six, and it’s not going to change.

Judge: So be it. The jury is dismissed. Thank you for your service.

Archie: So, what happens now?

Mary: The judge will declare a mistrial.

Archie: We have to go through this again?

Lawyer: Your honor. In lieu of another trial, the State is prepared to offer a deal for a lesser sentence. Instead of prison, time served, plus two years in juvenile detention, if Mr. Andrews will plead guilty to the crime of manslaughter.

Mary: Your honor…

Archie: I will take the deal.

The crowd: No, Archie.

Mary: We have to discuss it.

Archie: Mom. I can’t put you and everyone else through this again. Your honor, I accept the deal.

Judge: Son, just so I have it straight, though it’s legally within your rights, you are ignoring the advice of your counsel, your own mother.

Archie: Yes, your Honor. I am guilty.

Judge: Mr. Andrews. The court accepts your plea of guilty. You will be taken directly from the courthouse to the Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center, where you will serve out your sentence, beginning immediately. This court is adjourned.

Archie: I am sorry, mom.

Mary: Oh, Archie. I love you so much.

Fred: We are going to get you out of there, bud.

Let’s recap the vocabulary from this conversation


  • to reach a verdict to come to a decision or judgment, especially in a legal case.
  • deadlocked – when a jury or group of decision-makers cannot reach a unanimous decision or consensus.
  • dismissed – when a legal case is thrown out or ended without a decision being made.
  • mistrial – when a trial is ended prematurely or declared invalid due to a major error or irregularity in the legal proceedings.
  • in lieu of – instead of, as a substitute for.
  • sentence – a punishment given to someone who has been convicted of a crime.
  • time served – the amount of time a person has already spent in prison while waiting for trial or as part of their sentence.
  • juvenile detention – a facility where young people are held as punishment for committing crimes.
  • to plead guilty – to formally admit responsibility for a crime in court.
  • manslaughter – the unlawful killing of another person without premeditation or intent to kill.
  • put someone through something – to cause someone to go through a difficult or unpleasant experience.
  • counsel – a lawyer or legal advisor.
  • within rights – acting in accordance with legal authority or entitlement.
  • courthouse – a building where legal proceedings take place.
  • to serve out – to complete a prison sentence in its entirety.
  • adjourned – to temporarily end or suspend a legal proceeding or meeting, often with the intention of resuming at a later time.


Wybierz poprawną odpowiedź a, b lub c na podstawie wysłuchanego fragmentu z serialu.

1. What does the judge say when entering the courtroom?

a) All rise.

b) The jury has reached a verdict.

c) Thank you for coming.

2. What does the jury member say about the verdict?

a) The jury has reached a verdict.

b) They are deadlocked six to six, and it’s not going to change.

c) The defendant is guilty.

3. What does the judge do after the jury is deadlocked?

a) Declares a mistrial.

b) Sentences the defendant.

c) Offers a plea deal.

4. What is the proposed plea deal for Archie?

a) Two years in prison.

b) Time served, plus two years in juvenile detention.

c) Community service.

5. Who advises Archie against taking the plea deal?

a) His mother.

b) The judge.

c) The crowd.

6. Why does Archie decide to take the plea deal?

a) He wants to challenge the legal system.

b) He wants to prove his innocence.

c) He wants to avoid another trial.

7. What is the judge’s response to Archie’s plea deal?

a) He rejects the deal.

b) He accepts the deal.

c) He orders a new trial.

8. Where is Archie taken after the court accepts his guilty plea?

a) A federal prison.

b) A community service center.

c) Leopold and Loeb Juvenile Detention Center.

9. Who promises to help Archie get out of juvenile detention?

a) The judge.

b) Mary.

c) Fred.

10. What is Mary’s response to Archie’s decision to take the plea deal?

a) She is angry.

b) She is sad.

c) She is supportive.


Podsumowując, nauka języka angielskiego z pomocą serialu „Riverdale” może być bardzo efektywna, zwłaszcza dla osób zainteresowanych kryminalistyką i zagadkami. Oglądanie serialu pozwala na doskonalenie słownictwa związanego z zagadkami, detektywami oraz przestępstwami, a także na poznanie specyficznych wyrażeń i zwrotów charakterystycznych dla języka potocznego. Warto przy tym wykorzystać techniki aktywnego słuchania i notowania nowych słów i wyrażeń, a także tworzyć własne zdania z ich użyciem. Nauka języka poprzez oglądanie „Riverdale” to nie tylko przyjemność, ale również skuteczna forma nauki.

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