Cracking the Code of Easter Traditions: A Linguistic Journey through the UK and US

Easter traditions

Wielkanoc to jedno z najważniejszych świąt chrześcijańskich obchodzone co roku w wielu państwach na całym świecie. Z tej okazji wiele słów i zwrotów jest ściśle związanych z tradycją i kulturą. W tym artykule poznamy najważniejsze angielskie słowa i zwroty związane z Wielkanocą, w tym terminologię związaną z religijnymi obrzędami, tradycjami kulinarnej i zwyczajami związanymi z ozdobieniem domu. Będzie to przydatne źródło informacji dla osób, które uczą się języka angielskiego i chcą pogłębić swoją wiedzę o kulturze i tradycji Wielkanocy w krajach anglojęzycznych.





Interviewer: Hello and welcome to our cultural podcast. Today we are hosting Ms. Jones, who is an expert in cultural traditions related to Easter. Ms. Jones, thank you for joining us today.

Ms. Jones: Thank you for having me. It’s my pleasure to be here.

Interviewer: To start, can you tell us what are some common Easter traditions and customs around the world?

Ms. Jones: Of course! Easter traditions and customs vary across different countries and cultures, but some of the most common ones include decorating Easter eggs, attending church services, having Easter meals, and participating in egg hunts.

Interviewer: Can you tell us more about the significance of decorating Easter eggs?

Ms. Jones: Decorating Easter eggs is a tradition that dates back centuries. In many cultures, eggs represent new life and rebirth, which is why they are often associated with Easter. Different cultures have different methods of decorating eggs, but some of the most popular ones include dyeing them with natural colors, painting them, and engraving.

Interviewer: And what about attending church services? Why is this such an important part of Easter traditions?

Ms. Jones: For Christians, Easter is one of the most important holidays in the religious calendar. Attending church services is a way for Christians to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ, which is the central event of the Easter story. Churches often hold special services during Holy Week, leading up to Easter Sunday, to commemorate the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus.

Interviewer: I see. And what about Easter meals? Are there any specific foods or dishes that are associated with Easter?

Ms. Jones: Yes, there are many traditional Easter foods. In some countries, lamb is a popular Easter dish, while in others, ham is more common. Hot cross buns, a sweet bun made with raisins and marked with a cross, are also a popular Easter treat in many countries, including in England.

Interviewer: Fascinating. And finally, what about egg hunts? How did this tradition start?

Ms. Jones: The tradition of egg hunts is believed to have started in Germany, where children would search for hidden eggs in the garden on Easter Sunday. This tradition then spread to other countries, and today, egg hunts are a popular Easter activity for children around the world. In addition to egg hunts, many cultures have their own unique Easter games and activities, such as egg rolling and egg tapping.

Interviewer: Thank you so much, Ms. Jones, for sharing your insights on Easter traditions and customs with us. It was a pleasure having you here today.

Ms. Jones: Thank you for having me.


Uzupełnij luki brakującym słowem.


  1. Every year, children enjoy the …. activity where they roll painted eggs down a hill.
  2. One of the traditions during Easter is to ….  butter or jam on hot cross buns.
  3. Easter gives us an …. into the Christian belief of resurrection.
  4. Another popular Easter game is …. where two people tap their eggs together until one break.
  5. In some cultures, a …. is the centerpiece of the Easter meal.
  6. …. are a type of sweet bread that are traditionally eaten on Good Friday.
  7. The …. is a symbol of Christianity and is often seen during Easter celebrations.
  8. Easter Sunday is the day when Christians celebrate the …. of Jesus Christ.
  9. The week leading up to Easter Sunday is called ….
  10. Easter is a time to …. the crucifixion and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
  11. The …. is a symbol of the suffering and death of Jesus Christ.
  12. Some people like to create …. on their Easter eggs by engraving designs into the shell.
  13. Easter is often …. with the themes of rebirth and renewal.
  14. One popular Easter activity is ….
  15. Many people attend …. on Easter Sunday.
  16. Children love to participate in an …. where they search for hidden eggs.



 WYSŁUCHAJ artykułu o tym jak obchodzona jest Wielkanoc w Wielkiej Brytanii, a jak w Stanach Zjednoczonych.


Easter is a major Christian holiday celebrated in both the United Kingdom and the United States, albeit with some distinct differences in how it is observed. While both countries have similar religious and cultural roots, their unique histories and traditions have shaped the way Easter is celebrated in each place. In this article, we will explore the similarities and differences in how Easter is celebrated in the UK and the US.

For Christians in both the UK and the US, Easter is a time to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus Christ. During the Holy Week, the week leading up to Easter Sunday, is present in both countries with religious services and processions. In the UK, Good Friday is a bank holiday, and many churches hold special services commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus. In the US, Holy Week is marked by a variety of services and events, including Palm Sunday processions, Maundy Thursday foot-washing ceremonies, and Good Friday services.

Easter is associated with a variety of traditions and customs, many of which are centered around food. In the UK, hot cross buns are a traditional Easter treat, while in the US, ham is a popular choice for the Easter Sunday meal. Both countries also have a tradition of giving Easter eggs, although the way in which they are given differs. In the UK, Easter eggs are often given as gifts to children and are usually made of chocolate. In the US, Easter baskets are filled with candy and small toys and are often given to children by the Easter Bunny.

Another Easter tradition that differs between the UK and the US is the decoration of Easter bonnets. In the UK, it is traditional for women and girls to wear Easter bonnets to church on Easter Sunday. These bonnets are often decorated with flowers and other embellishments. In the US, the tradition of wearing Easter bonnets is less common, but there is a tradition of decorating Easter eggs with dye and other materials.

Both the UK and the US have their own unique Easter symbols. In the UK, the Easter Bunny is not as commonly linked with the holiday as it is in the US. Instead, the lamb is a more popular symbol of Easter, representing the sacrificial nature of Christ’s death. In the US, the Easter Bunny is a beloved symbol of the holiday, representing new life and the arrival of spring. In addition to the Easter Bunny, the US also has a tradition of decorating Easter baskets and eggs with pastel colors, which are the representation of the new life of spring.

Although Easter is celebrated in both the UK and the US, the ways in which it is observed differ in many ways. From religious observances to traditions and symbols, the two countries have unique ways of celebrating this important holiday. Whether you are celebrating Easter in the UK or the US, the holiday is a time to come together with family and friends and celebrate the renewal of life and hope that it represents.


Wykonaj polecenia na podstawie powyższego artykułu.


 A) Odpowiedz na pytania:


  • What is Easter, and why is it celebrated?
  • How is Holy Week observed in the UK and US?
  • What are some of the traditional Easter foods in the UK and US?
  • How do the UK and US differ in their Easter symbols?
  • What is the main message of the article?
B) Dopasuj słówka do definicji:









           a) Giving up something for a greater cause or purpose

            b) The act of decorating something to make it more attractive

            c) An important event or object that is remembered and celebrated

            d) The act of coming back to life after death

            e) Things that are done or passed down from generation to generation

            f) Something or someone that is loved and cherished

            g) The act of making something new or fresh again

C) Write a paragraph (100-150 words) about your own Easter traditions, either from your country or from your own family. Describe the foods, decorations, symbols, or activities that are a part of your Easter celebrations.


(Napisz artykuł (100-150 słów) o swoich tradycjach wielkanocnych, pochodzących z Twojego kraju lub z Twojej rodziny. Opisz jedzenie, dekoracje, symbole lub czynności, które są częścią Twoich obchodów Wielkanocnych.)




Posłuchaj NAGRANIA rozmowy mamy z dzieckiem na temat pochodzenia królika wielkanocnego.


Luke: Hi mom, I was wondering where did the tradition of the Easter Bunny come from?

Mom: Well, the Easter Bunny  has an interesting history. It is believed that the Easter Bunny was first introduced by German immigrants who settled in Pennsylvania in the 1700s.

Luke: What did they use the Easter Bunny for?

Mom: It was initially a symbol of spring and fertility. Over time, the Easter bunny became incorporated into Christian Easter traditions as a symbol of new life and rebirth.

Luke: Wow, that’s interesting! So, the Easter Bunny has been around for a long time?

Mom: Yes, the tradition of the Easter Bunny has been around for centuries. Today, the Easter Bunny is still a popular symbol of Easter, especially in the United States where it is associated with Easter egg hunts and Easter baskets.

Luke: I can’t wait for the Easter Bunny to bring me my Easter basket this year!

Mom: Me neither! But remember, Easter is not just about getting Easter baskets. It is a celebration of new life and hope, and we should remember the true meaning of Easter as well.

Luke: I will remember that, Mom. Thanks for telling me about the history of the Easter Bunny.

Przeczytaj i WYSŁUCHAJ opowiadania o króliku wielkanocnym


Once upon a time in a magical land far away, there lived a beautiful Easter Bunny named Lily. Lily was a special bunny, unlike any other bunny in the land. She was gifted with the power of spreading joy and happiness everywhere she went.

Every year, as Easter approached, Lily would hop from one village to another, bringing with her an abundance of colorful eggs and chocolates. The villagers eagerly awaited her arrival, for they knew that she would bring them joy and happiness.

One year, as she was hopping through the forest, Lily met a group of young animals who had never heard of Easter before. She explained to them that Easter was a time of new beginnings and fresh starts, a time when the world came alive after a long winter.

Lily shared her magical powers with the young animals and taught them how to create beautiful and colorful eggs. From that day on, the young animals started their own tradition of celebrating Easter, just like the other villages. And every year, Lily would come to visit them and bring them new ideas for creating beautiful eggs.

And so, Easter became a magical time in the forest, a time when all the animals came together to celebrate new beginnings. The legend of the Easter Bunny lived on, and Lily continued to bring happiness and joy to all who crossed her path.


Uzupełnij zdania czasownikiem w poprawnej formie.


  1. Luke (ask) his mom where the tradition of the Easter Bunny (come) from.
  2. The Easter Bunny (be) initially a symbol of spring and fertility before it (be) incorporated into Christian Easter traditions.
  3. Lily (hop) from one village to another every year, bringing joy and happiness with her.
  4. When Lily (meet) the young animals, she (explain) to them that Easter (be) a time of new beginnings and fresh starts.
  5. Lily (teach) the young animals how to create beautiful and colorful eggs, and they (start) their own tradition of celebrating Easter.
  6. Every year, Lily (come) to visit the young animals and (bring) them new ideas for creating beautiful eggs.
  7. Easter (become) a magical time in the forest, and the legend of the Easter Bunny (live) on.
  8. Lily (continue) to bring happiness and joy to all who (cross) her path.


Dzięki poznanym w artykule słowom i wyrażeniom będziesz w stanie lepiej zrozumieć tradycje i zwyczaje związane z Wielkanocą. Nie rezygnuj z nauki, nawet podczas świątecznego szaleństwa – wykorzystaj ten czas na praktykowanie języka w praktyce. W ten sposób z łatwością osiągniesz swój cel. Życzę owocnej nauki i radosnych, rodzinnych świąt!

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