W dzisiejszym artykule dla odmiany przyjrzymy się najnowszemu filmowi, który pobił szczyty oglądalności w ostatnim czasie – Barbie. Filmy o Barbie nie tylko klasyczne produkcje dla dzieci, ale także nieocenione źródło edukacyjne, które może znacząco przyczynić się do skuteczniejszego przyswajania języka angielskiego. Film o Barbie z 2023 r. porusza ważne aspekty dotyczące feminizmu a także wyzwań stojących przed społeczeństwem. W tym artykule zapoznamy się z wyjątkowymi korzyściami, jakie płyną z nauki angielskiego poprzez przygody filmowej ikony, jaką jest Barbie.
W świece Barbie kobiety wykonują rozmaite zawody, także takie, które na co dzień zdominowane są przez płeć męską. Przyjrzyjmy się zatem, jakie zawody możemy znaleźć w filmie:
- Nobel Prize in Physics – laureatka Nagrody Nobla w fizyce
- Pulitzer winner – Nagroda Pulitzera przyznawana za wybitne dokonania w dziedzinie dziennikarstwa, literatury pięknej i muzyki.
- President – prezydent
- Lawyer – prawniczka
- Supreme Court Justice – Sędzia Sądu Najwyższego
- Doctor – lekarka
- Diplomat — dyplomatka
- Author – autorka książek
- Garbageman – śmieciarz
To jednak nie wszystkie zawody w świecie Barbie! Barbie wykonywała wiele różnych zawodów na przestrzeni lat. Ukazuje to jak progresował świat i jak zmieniały się zawody, które wykonywały kobiety. Przyjrzyjmy się zatem innym najciekawszym zawodom Barbie na przestrzeni lat:
- Fashion Designer (1960) – projektantka mody
- Flight Attendant (1961) – stewardesa
- Nurse (1961) – pielęgniarka
- Astronaut (1965) – astronauta
- Olympic skier (1975) – narciarka olimpijska
- Game Show Host (1987)– prowadząca teleturniej
- Candy and Ice Cream Parlor Worker (1988) – pracownik w cukierni i lodziarni
- UNICEF Ambassador (1989) – Ambasador dobrej woli UNICEF
- Military Barbie: United States Air Force (1991) – żołnierz, członek sił powietrznych USA
- Business Executive Barbie (1992) – członek zarządu
- Pet Groomer (1994) – fryzjer dla zwierząt
- United States Presidential Candidate (2000) – kandydatka na prezydenta Stanów Zjednoczonych
- Maid (2006) – pokojówka
- Equestrian (2009) – jeździec konny
- Computer Engineer (2010) – inżynier komputerowy
- News Anchor (2010) – prezenter wiadomości
- Paleontologist (2012) – paleontolog
- Entrepreneur (2014) – przedsiębiorca
- Game Developer (2016) – twórca gier komputerowych
- Beekeeper (2018) – pszczelarz
- Judge (2019) – sędzia
- Construction worker (2020) – budowlaniec
- Renewable Energy Engineer (2022) – inżynier Energii Odnawialnej
Read the following passages about Barbie and her various occupations. Answer the questions that follow each passage, using your understanding of the text and your own insights. Remember to provide detailed and thoughtful answers, drawing from the information presented in the passages and your own insights. This exercise is designed to encourage critical thinking and comprehension of complex themes related to Barbie’s diverse occupations.
Passage 1:
Barbie as a Role Model Barbie has evolved over the years, representing more than just a fashion doll. With her wide range of careers, she has become a symbol of empowerment for young individuals. From astronaut to entrepreneur, Barbie teaches us that we can pursue any career we desire. Her versatility showcases that ambition knows no bounds.
- How has Barbie’s role evolved beyond being a fashion doll?
- What is the significance of Barbie having a wide range of careers?
- Explain how Barbie serves as a symbol of empowerment.
Passage 2:
Breaking Stereotypes Barbie has made significant strides in breaking gender stereotypes by venturing into occupations that were traditionally considered male-dominated. As a computer engineer or a robotics engineer, Barbie challenges the idea that certain jobs are only for one gender. This inclusivity in her career choices sends a powerful message about equality and diversity.
- How does Barbie challenge gender stereotypes through her choice of careers?
- What message does Barbie’s career as a computer engineer send to society?
- How does Barbie’s career choices promote equality and diversity?
Passage 3:
Inspiring Imagination Barbie’s occupations aren’t just about realism; they are also about inspiring imagination. Whether she’s a mermaid, a fairy, or an explorer, Barbie encourages children to dream beyond the ordinary. These imaginative careers teach us that creativity has no limits and that we can shape our own narratives.
- How do Barbie’s imaginative careers contribute to inspiring children?
- What is the connection between imaginative play and creativity?
- Explain how Barbie’s various roles encourage children to think beyond the ordinary.
Moda towarzyszy Barbie na każdym kroku. Nie inaczej było w przypadku filmu. Wśród kreacji znajdziemy wiele znanych projektantów jak i nawiązań do kultowych lalek.
Wysłuchaj NAGRANIA rozmowy dwóch koleżanek:
Lucy: Have you seen the new Barbie movie yet, Sarah?
Sarah: No, not yet. Is it any good?
Lucy: It’s fantastic! The animation is stunning, and the clothes are amazing.
Sarah: Really? What kind of outfits does she wear?
Lucy: Well, there’s this one dress that’s all pink and sparkly and has a huge bow on the back. And another one with feather detailing and sequins.
Sarah: Wow!
Lucy: And don’t even get me started on the shoes.
Sarah: Tell me about them.
Lucy: There are so many different styles – strappy sandals, ankle boots, high heels…and they’re all so colorful!
Sarah: Were there any standout pieces for you?
Lucy: Definitely! There was this one outfit that had these amazing glitter boots, and another where she wore a cat-shaped handbag. I want them all!
Sarah: Ha! Me too. Are they selling those items in stores?
Lucy: I’m not sure, but I think some of the designs will be coming out as part of a special line by the end of the month.
Sarah: Wow, I can’t wait to get my hands on them! Although, I’m guessing they’ll be pretty expensive…
Lucy: Yeah, probably. But hey, we could always save up or ask for them as birthday presents!
Sarah: Good idea, I’ll check the movie out this weekend.
Lucy: You won’t regret it!
Połącz słowa z definicją.
1. standout pieces | a. A set of clothes worn together for a particular occasion or purpose. |
2. ankle boots | b. Shining brightly with flashes of light. |
3. sparkling | c. An expression used to indicate that the speaker has strong feelings about a topic and could talk about it at length. |
4. i can’t wait to get my hands on them! | d. An expression used to convey excitement and anticipation about obtaining something. |
5. feather | e. Shoes with tall, slender heels that lift the wearer’s feet significantly higher than their toes. |
6. high heels | f. The visual appearance or style of something, often created by an artist or designer. |
7. special line | g. A collection of products that is distinct from a company’s regular offerings, often released for a limited time or in collaboration with another brand. |
8. detailing | h. Extremely impressive or attractive. |
9. don’t get me started | i. Small, shiny disks sewn onto clothing for decoration. |
10. strappy sandals | j. A purse designed to resemble a feline animal, often with ears, whiskers, and other details. |
11. sequins | k. Sandals with thin straps that wrap around the foot and ankle. |
12. designs | l. A knot tied with two loops and two loose ends, used as a decorative element on clothing or accessories. |
13. glitter boots | m. One of the soft, light, fringed structures covering the body of a bird. |
14. cat-shaped handbag | n. Boots covered in small, reflective particles that sparkle when they catch the light. |
15. outfits | o. Clothing items that are particularly eye-catching and unique compared to the rest of an outfit. |
16. bow | p. The decorative elements or features added to something to enhance its appearance or functionality. |
17. stunning | q. Boots that cover the foot and ankle but not the calf. |
WYSŁUCHAJ piosenki „I am just Ken”.
Odpowiedz na pytania z Excercise 3.
Doesn’t seem to matter what I do I’m always number two No one knows how hard I tried, oh-oh, I I have feelings that I can’t explain Drivin’ me insane All my life, been so polite But I’ll sleep alone tonight
’Cause I’m just Ken Anywhere else I’d be a ten Is it my destiny to live and die a life of blonde fragility? I’m just Ken Where I see love, she sees a friend What will it take for her to see the man behind the tan and fight for me?
I wanna know what it’s like to love To be the real thing Is it a crime? Am I not hot when I’m in my feelings? And is my moment finally here or am I dreaming? I’m no dreamer
I’m just Ken Anywhere else I’d be a ten Is it my destiny to live and die a life of blonde fragility? I’m just Ken Where I see love, she sees a friend What will it take for her to see the man behind the tan and fight for me?
I’m just Ken (And I’m enough) And I’m great at doing stuff So, hey, check me out, yeah, I’m just Ken My name’s Ken (And so am I) Put that manly hand in mine So, hey, world, check me out, yeah, I’m just Ken Baby, I’m just Ken (Nobody else, nobody else)
Odpowiedz na pytania dotyczące piosenki:
- Do you think it’s important for people to have a sense of identity?
- Have you ever felt like you were in someone else’s shadow?
- Do you think it’s important for people to be recognized for their individuality?
- Have you ever struggled with feeling like you weren’t good enough?
- Do you think it’s important for people to be comfortable with who they are?
Share your answers in the comment section!
W filmie poruszony został temat feminizmu oraz równouprawnienia. Przeczytaj poniższe slogany z postulatami feministycznymi i podziel się swoją opinią w sekcji komentarzy.
- Barbie occupations – https://www.buzzfeed.com/alexalisitza/list-every-job-barbie-had